Friday 14 November 2014

Week 10

    Got my midterm back this week; I didn’t do as well as I thought. I got the easy proof wrong that the class averaged an 8.9 on and the other two right but lost two marks on each of them because I didn’t comment. In MAT137 we also do a lot of proofs and we do not have to be as clear in our explanations. For the most part as long as we figure out the “trick” to the proof we get the answer correct, whereas CSC165 is a lot more focused on form. I did not read the questions well enough and ended up losing out on free marks because of it.

    In this week’s tutorial we worked on Big O proofs which was very helpful but I’m not sure I got the correct answer. I did the quiz in an unorthodox way where my answer was different than anyone else I talked to after so I’m not sure if I got the proof correct.

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